Saturday, April 5, 2008

A letter from Elder P.

We recieved a letter from Alex last week.
He is doing so well, I'm sure that puts 'lil sis at ease and soothes some of the pain of longing.
His spanish is really good!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Little Ms. Einstein

So a few months ago , we were dreading the deadline that December not Christmas, but the dreaded Science Fair competition. Isn't it wonderful how the so called experts think that kids don't have enough to do in school so they make it mandatory that our kids enter the Science Fair. The thing that upsets me about this is that rarely is this thing a positive experience for the kids. It just adds to the stress that parents have to help their kids get through another school year. I understand why they do this, but the kids tend to struggle with their other classes while they try to scrape a project together.

Now I'll step off my soap box and give props to Kelsey. Kelsey was one of 2 (I believe) students from West Hills middle school to have their project selected for the State competition at BYU.

Her project involved studying how a person's pulse and blood pressure changed when shown a photo of a prominent person. She chose Hilary Clinton, Osama Bin Laden, George Bush and Barak Obama as the variables.

Kelsey won the originality award for her project. Not bad for an 8th grader!

Good job Kelsey!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

29 years ago I met this little starry eyed girl who was tired of dating Mr. Wrong and looking for Mr. Wright. Well she found me instead and I have blessed to watch 29 birthdays come and go. Wow! 29! My sweetheart turned 50 on the 31st of March. I gave her a card congratulating her on the 29th anniversary of her 21st birthday, she certainly looks younger than a half of a century-whatever that means! We had a great day together finished off by a wonderful dinner at Carino's.

I have always said that I look forward to growing old togetherwith her, well it is happening and I'm not sure that this getting old thing is exactly what I thought it would be. But I am glad that we're in it together.

I do know that I am so blessed to have this "young lady" in my life. We had some tough times and a lot of wonderful times, but the best thing is we have hung in there together and have a wonderful family to share our lives.

I love you Lori, thanks for sticking around for 29 years so I could buy you a birthday gift. Here's to 29 more!

Check out the SEXY dessert in the slide show! NO NOT LORI!